Wednesday, July 30, 2008
rahh. only went to school at ten plus eleven today, due to Massive Plus Multiple Nosebleeds that prevented me from stepping out of my house in the morning. win liao, now i got one 'late' record cos i didnt want to climb over the stupid gate... :( and yesterday (or rather this morning) i failed to wake up at two am :( in fact, i didnt hear the alarm clock at all. i must have been sleeping like a log. phuck. so i didnt do any work at all! but thank god for study sessions in school. at least i could force myself to do work (though not very productive! but still! i get work done :D). OMG. was just seeing 1111 on my phone, feeling happy then suddenly received a msg from junfeng saying 'omg it is 1111'! lols damn funny. we are all happy people now :D let's hope we stay happy then :( abrupt stop. Monday, July 28, 2008 sudden urge to camwhore before tsd lecture started. i really love the company of sandy and esti ((: they make really great friends!! we hu xiang zhao gu okay!
'ou yeah!' stj was great, and the movie too. omg. the dark knight! i cant even begin to describe my thoughts about the movie. just awesome!!! yeowboon's crew is just :)) coolios!!! i hope i can get hold of the photo (which is blur :( ) soon! ayee too bad polaroid cannot photocopy one :( i wonder if it's just my mood or i really just want to stop here. be happy. i give you all my blessings :) Friday, July 25, 2008 i feel kinda stagnant. and dead. woohoos it's half day today and im home early. ohwells, it's not a bad thing actually, considering i havent been through a perfect week. it's time i chill at home. what i can remember about happy things that happened the past few days, i guess are the vball/monkey session with a few councillors (wanswen, leon, hannah, lennart, stacy, aravind) as well as underwired! dinner at roxy square! vball/monkey session was pretty fun. i havent had a habit of playing random ball games after school until i came to vj (read: bball with jf and ppl etc). oh hmm. i dunno what to write about it though, it would seem so boring to read. aye nvm it shall stay in my heart then (random drama). wanswen kajiaoing my reco bear! oh man. reco bear looks grumpy :( i should take more care of it! just remembered that everyone said the bear looked like me when aravind passed it down to me. well other than the fact that it is brown, i dont see a resemblance T_T unless you all say i cute lah~ .... zomg hahah :D underwired! seniors treated us to steamboat! we didnt even know they were treating us until they told us at the steamboat place in the basement of roxy square. 9 girls around a table, hmm! even though it isnt anything new to me, it still feels a little weird (but exciting!). we heard alot of stories about things that happened last year (woohoo secrets!); it was like a story telling session by trina and laura, while the other three seniors added in details. then the four of us sat with one arm on the table, listen laugh listen laugh. aye our seniors are so cute! i dont even remember the unhappiness last time already. underwired! rocks!! aye got some photos from eva this morning while we had S34 A15 breakfast (with sandy too aha)! they were taken during one friday where the friday workshop ppl were supposed to clean up. but heh. oh wells :) esti was a tuesdayworkshop crasher :D
i need to get on with my life, buck up and move on. ohwells. how many times have i told myself that anyway. Tuesday, July 22, 2008 although i am already in sleep mode, i must force myself to come here before i forget what i wanted to talk about! sunday was semi productive day! at least i completed the bulk of my bio paper... was at yamaha doing work then sandy came, then esti came, followed by esti's brother then yeowboon. what a chain reaction! stoned quite long in yamaha before we got chased out by the same person who chased me and andy out when we were having a meeting -_- had lunch, shopped around and left for victoria theatre! i love the atmosphere around singapore river! it brings back quite a few memories too (: aye, then went to esplanade again! had a half-productive study/do homework session with da hong, and omg the pen incident! he spend an hour (or shorter) looking for his pen that suddenly disappeared, then found it after a very long time, trapped in the folds of his jeans -_- clap clap. then went back to sg river to meet sandy and esti again! sat on the steps by the river and stoned. coolios :)) it was so peaceful i could sleep. but good times always end fast, we had to leave just 15 min later :(
Saturday, July 19, 2008 i could die, i could. to school for intracouncil day meeting today. coolios things are looking bright. then everyone left leaving me in the council room. was about to start doing my mid year papers but since no one was there i took the time to practise flute (with doors and windows closed so no one can see who was playing so lousily). naturally time passed and when i finally resoluted to start doing my work, junfeng informed me that he'd already reached esplanade. so i was pressurized to go to esplanade early. junfeng met yvette but she left before i reached :/ subsequently we met zhanyi, geraldine and naomi! we are the last minute gang man. but it's cool that we see so many people without even planning. sandy smsed to say that she's at bugis watching lin you jia (i bet xuezhen will scream) so we called her over. shopped around marina square and then went for dinner at shokudo before junfeng died of hunger. apparently he got revived just after one mouth of food. after dinner we somehow got back to the esplanade library to catch a glimpse of the NE show and after watching for about 2 min the fireworks came on!! it's so amazing to catch them when you're just standing around randomly not expecting anything wonderful. it feels better than seeing 11:11 :) then reluctantly went home to face reality again (one of homework and essays). i wonder if it was my heavy bag; i had to literally drag myself home aching everywhere, even weird muscles. a ten plus min walk doubled :/ hope sandy didnt catch the flu bug from me or da hong's gonna come after me - oops! naomi already kena :/ sorry. there's pw tomorrow.... what a drag. Friday, July 18, 2008 a high level of tolerance is about the only thing i have left that i am proud of. but im afraid i may just lose it soon. along with everything else. today, i bid my goodbye. Thursday, July 17, 2008 track and field championships are second to none to go support for. no other competitions cause you to scream like no other when the person you are supporting runs past you! i went crazy like a hyena screaming for st nicks (and of course VJ!) i swear i screamed till my heart wanted to pop out of my mouth! there were quite a few spectacular races for st nicks and i went down to the st nicks contingent to cheer while talking to wanglaoshi with jiayi. saw mrs goh ms chan and mrs cheong! mrs god is like the best principal ever! which principal would jump around the grand stand screaming and pumping fists while cheering for the students like her? she simply rocks (: went to prepare beside the track on behalf of the track and field team to run over and occupy space at the flagpoles when everything is over. quite absurd huh. ppl send their whole track team down vjc sent their councillors down :D but we had fun lah, and proud to help them out! anyway vjc A boys got 2nd, and A girls got 3rd. stnicks double 2nd!! :D :D
![]() Tuesday, July 15, 2008 我覺得在人的一生裏, 必定會做出某些愚蠢的決定. 所以這次所經歷的事情不能怨任何人, 只能怪自己. 我只想知道, 在未來的人生裏, 我到底要等多就才會過的比較順利. it's too scary. i finally know. sent it away when it's not even coming this way. go far far away and disappear. why, why is my judgement this bad? 無名, looks like i have to look for you again. Sunday, July 13, 2008 replying to a question i got asked yesterday evening. i feel awful, physically, mentally, psychologically, spiritually. Saturday, July 12, 2008 i shant elaborate about how i got locked out (again!) last night and how i spent two plus hours stoning and sleeping at the void deck (sounds like some delinquent man). haha that basically summed up everything. if you see this newfriend dont scold me. ahah. today was a lil mad too, somehow. kinda had quite an overload of information throughout the day. first thing in the morning was orientation 09 meeting with jerald to plan the skeleton. ohman. there are so many things to do. then was meeting regarding programmes for intracouncil day with collin and andy, then later pengrui. my brain started to die and lag so the meeting kinda didnt flow very well.. heh ^^ then was pw, giving out surveys with ranika at marine parade library. I KEEP GETTING REJECTED!! OMG. stress level damn high. i cant do serious things in public i only can do those stupid AA things well ): i think i have the 'i am going to waste your time asking you to do this survey that may jinx you to get cervical cancer' tag pasted on my forehead? i feel like the plague approaching them :( finally for the rest of the day it wasnt that mentally and psychologically exhausting and torturous. went to east coast and cycled for two hours (half an hour of sitting down and chatting included) to satisfy my craving! haha i make cycling sound like food. the only drawback is that east coast was too crowded and it was still day! i love going to the beach at night 100 times more than in the day, even though there's nothing much you can see. after dinner at macs it was finally dark! there was the moon and A LOT of stars, so pretty ((: but went home very soon ): it was fun all the same lah, nice place, nice activity, nice company. today i reminisced a lot. about the past. basically things that happened in secondary school, sec 1, 2, 3 and 4, stuff from every year. i didnt know east coast holds so much memories in my life. rahh. i wonder what to do at flute tomorrow, with my huge ulcer and with the big news. sigh. im gonna be despised. my teacher hates this kinda situations. i hate this too. Thursday, July 10, 2008 HAPPY BIRTHDAY XUEZHEN!! hope you enjoyed our surprise and the attention (wanted or not) we gave you! since im in a dead mood now, will not write in narrative form. the following describes what happened from last midnight till this morning. 1. esti's story about how her brother said during ur bday at 12am you should light a candle and open the door and blow it out so that you will have alot of 桃花運 -___- 2. my story about how my brother said during ur bday at 12am you should take a knife and place it outside your door otherwise evil ghosts will come and take all ur birthday luck away 3. xuezhen peeping through the hole to see no one outside cos we were hiding at the rubbish chute 4. xuezhen opening the door as we appeared to sing the birthday song 5. giving her the little cake and singing the song stnicks' style 6. refusing to leave 7. esti attempts to occupy 3/4 of the bed 8. purposely chatting about tsd to spite xuezhen, and topics that she doesn't know about 9. some sleep 10. esti and i not being able to wake up while xuezhen whines about having to wake up so early 11. goes to macs for breakfast 12. shamelessly sends xuezhen into school 13. shamelessly sitting outside the LT watching assembly 14. sitting at the specs stand with esti, catching sight of a very beautiful rainbow with the 7 distinct colours 15. shamelessly sleeping at the specs stand 16. rushing home to do e-learning (and was late for bio for twenty minutes) homebased learning was actually kinda fun. couldn go for dinner in the end. :( sorry xuezhen! will make it up to you, promise! with ur proper present (: i need to think, reflect and pick myself up. i hate guessing :( Tuesday, July 08, 2008 today is the first day of school. first day back to reality. i went to school with a near empty bag; with nothing but pe attire and test tubes. in the end there wasn't practical at all so the things that i brought today were all useless. i could have just brought a pen to school. felt super disoriented the whole day ever since i realised i didnt wear my band on my hand in the bus in the morning. i cant live without my band and my hairband! (i miss my green one badly) rahh everything felt weird and looked as if they were about to go wrong. i pulled through the day without feeling like sleeping even once. quite a feat actually but i just remembered i did sleep for more than half an hour at the garden tables at noon :/ helped tues workshop people clean up and after awhile there were more ppl from fri workshop than tuesday's! it was quite fun, but i suddenly cant rmb what we were talking about... heh! oh teasing weiting about her singing was very funny! but she can sing lah! no worries!! the seniors and geraldine were just being anal :D went home after getting down the flags (hey i rmb even though im not the one on duty!! :D). bus journey today was MAD. seriously. 43-ed with both johnny and yeowboon and i dont know what got to them but they wanted to go all the way to sengkang! this is especially mad for yeowboon cos he lives two stops away from school?!?! i irritated even myself while whining and begging yeowboon to get down but rah looks like my efforts had reverse effects :/ johnny looked determined to go all the way to sengkang too but one stop after his stop he gave up, phew! ohwells. then i gave up on yeowboon too -_- so he went to compass point for dinner. ohman like he said it himself, he looked like a tourist visiting another side of the world or smth! so lost and so suaku (oops!) :D aye looks like i have to do pw now. and after this, sleeeeeeep!!!! bloody tired. Monday, July 07, 2008 i feel unfortunate to face certain things but i am so fortunate to have such friends. thanks to people who cared, especially meiqin, naomi, arianto, johnny, yeowboon. nothing happened after meiqin followed me home and stayed over, and when we woke up we left almost immediately. had brunch in compass point and after awhile johnny came! siao one can sleep dont sleep. went to meiqin's house, stoned and slacked around. thanks for hosting us! i really enjoyed the company even though we didnt do anything at all. rahhh i cant explain how grateful i am. ytd was public performance. the matinee was great, but the night show was.. sigh. i am terribly sorry shiangnee's piece screwed up like mad. everything was wrong; a fresnel was upside-down, there wasnt a gel holder, my canto sucked, tree changed, narrator changed, bulldozer broke etc etc. sigh. but shiangnee was still so sweet. made me and meiqin cry like mad! heard that yeowboon's piece also went damn weird. haha. why must they show together?!?! lousy clash of crew can.. :( anyway rah everything is officially over for now. i have to face reality tomorrow. i dont even know what to pack in my bag! this is horrible. okay sleepy. tata Saturday, July 05, 2008 it's public p tomorrow, and ah, the last time the j2s will ever touch their pieces again. the last time we work for/with them again. i hope it will go well, and everyone have fun! yesterday was the coolest ever! when christine's piece ended, we could hear screams coming from day in twenty4, so all of us rush over and went crazy!! we screamed and danced and jumped around for a whole half an hour, to the 'it's the time to disco' song from kal ho naa ho!! it's like the new craze in tsd haha. the seniors already settled down for the post-production meeting and looked at us like we were aliens from the other side of day. but we couldn stop! mr pymm came and thanked all of us, 'especially the juniors' as he said!! oh man we were higher than ever. i love our batch!! wenta east coast after that to celebrate, or just to relax rather. this seemed like a meagre activity compared to the j2s who went to clarke quay to club. we cycled for quite awhile then went to buy food and sat next to the beach. hey i wasnt emo okay! i was enjoying solitude wahahha. weiting dongying and i had karaoke session on the breakwater! we were singing s.h.e songs and omg we all know the songs so goddamn well it's so amazing!! so fun lah, no need go kbox already. a small group of juniors lay down to chat at the edge of the breakwater and the other bigger group gossiped behind it. and they refused to tell us what they were gossiping about!! :( the toil is over. let us reminisce. pictures not in order.
sweejin! ![]() ![]() aye im yawning like there's no tomorrow. have to end abruptly here. i love tsd!! :) Tuesday, July 01, 2008 there are too many ups and downs all in one day. if i should expand and contract like that just a little more, i'll start weathering like how rocks do in deserts(pure geog shit). but i inflate and deflate so rapidly, one day i'll explode. or lost my elasticity. group pieces are finally all over. tomorrow, the ISes will start. omg. intensive stuff. they'll be gone in a flash i think. i really hope and pray i dont screw up. please. |
![]() Clovergreen♥ There's more to things than you'll ever know, but I'm beginning to anticipate the unknown. Smile, because you are worth it. Tey Xiao Wei 08021991 NUS FASS Victoria Junior College CHIJ SN Aquarius Enthusiast Extreme 蘇打綠 Sodafan Designer : Chili. x o x o free web counter |